Watt The Blog

Reflecting on my 2020 goals and setting new ones for 2021

In a weird way, I’m struggling with 2020 coming to an end, as it feels like it was such a waste of time and that nothing was achieved… so I thought reflecting back a bit might help me shift my perspective. Plus, there’s always a new day, a new week, a new month, or a…

7 Of The WORST Things About Having A Corgi

Let me just start out now saying that I adore having a Corgi and when I say WORST, I’m in no way shape or form complaining! However, there are still a handful of drawbacks and this small list is mine… 1. You always get attention whilst out for a walk We actually often take Reggie…

My Halloween Candle Collection

You’ve seen my Autumn candle collection, but now it’s time to get spooky… Happy Halloween! My current obsession is all things candles and wax melts, so what better way to celebrate the best day of the year that with a round up of my Halloween collection? Some are really old but I do also have…


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